Thursday, April 21, 2005

Alternative Birthdays

Birthdays? Who's responsible for them? Why do we have them? What if we celebrated birthdays in a different way. We always buy cake and little toys for the boy who is having a birthday. New tea set for Sally! But Little Boy and Sally are not responsible for their own birthday?Impossible. That which is created has a Creator. So Mr. and Mrs. Little Boy should be the object of our attention, and our presents. Wes hould give really awesome gifts to the parents of little girls and boys. Picture it. Sally would be looking at her parents receiving gifts as she held her old ratty doll close (remember, no new birthdaydoll for Sally). Maybe the parent would tease their young daughter,bragging about all their new toys and how their toys are "better". Maybe in time the kids would come to see the folly in their parents' behaviour. What if the maturing process reversed-inverted-turned sideways and the children were the 'parents' and the adults were childish. If birthdays made the roles reversed it would turn the tables on the parent-child relationship. "I want that for my birthday!" "That one? Alright, but you can't open your gift until your birthday, ok?" "Ok mom, I grant you that stipulation!"

Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Politics of Feet

What if you could determine what type of person you are based upon how you get dressed in the morning? I know you’re thinking, come on that’s not a new thought, you're on drugs. Be that as it may, I’m talking not about what type of clothes you wear, or what colour your tee shirt is going to be, but actually how you dress. What order do you dress yourself? Obviously undergarments first then over garments. How about I get to the point... How do you put on your socks? This is assuming you’re leaving your house immediately, and therefore need shoes on. Do you put both socks on first then both shoes? Or do you put one sock on then one shoe? The order that you do this can be quite the insight into your personality. Think of a situation where the decision between the two choices would be important. Say you’re getting dressed in the morning and your house begins to catch on fire. Do you run out in sock feet because you didn’t have time for your shoes? Or do you hop out on one foot, which has a shoe on it, because you didn’t have time for the other foot? Are you willing to take the risk of stepping on a nail or something really hot with your unprotected sock feet on? Or are you willing to potentially tire yourself out because you’re hoping on one leg, down the stairs and out your building, risking falling on your face due to exhaustion? I don’t know the right answer or even if there is a right answer. But I can speculate.
The person who runs out in sock feet is a person of equal opportunity. They take the time to make as many people happy as possible even if that means a lesser degree of happiness for all. The type to run out with one shoe on is a dedicated elitist. They will see any project through to the end, and will make sure you are incredibly happy even if that means sacrificing the happiness of others around. In other words the two-sock person is a socialist, and the fully dressed foot person is a capitalist. The obvious next step is to discuss which foot you dress first. The right foot first would mean that you have capitalist tendencies, while the left first would be more socialist. It becomes tricky when talking about a person who puts on the one shock and one shoe but only dresses the left foot. Would this mean that they are a socialist capitalist? No. It means that they are a very sensitive capitalist, possibly someone new to the economic game. What if you’re the type that puts on both socks buts starts with the right foot instead of the left? Does this mean that you are a capitalist socialist? No. It means that you are, like the majority of the world, right-handed. If you never favour a particular foot to start off your day, and either foot has just as good chance to get dressed first, you are confused in your political thought and need to educate yourself in worldly matters so that you can do your civil duty and vote. If you don’t wear socks, it means that you will have smelly and blistered foot. And are probably a Machiavellianist. This is by no means the only way to determine personality or political position but it is certainly a good indicator.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

“ What I tell you three times is true” (Lewis Carroll)

Note From Glen:
Hello All, Alison contributed this wonderful concept, however it is very lengthy. Therefore, to keep things tidy on the main page, the first bit will be here and the last bit can be found in the comments section.
Thanks for opening your mind,

An atom of oxygen has eight protons, two electron shells and six outer electrons. 2+2= 4. Black makes you look slimmer. There are certain things we know to be true. But how do we know these things? Is it because we have been told they are true? Have you ever actually seen an oxygen atom before? Lewis Carroll, a British logician, mathematician, and novelist (Britannica) once said "What I tell you three times is true." Might this formula, or a more sophisticated version of it, actually determine what we believe to be true?
In order to answer this we must realize that truth changes, or at least what we believe to be true. Truth is limited by our present knowledge, technology and consensus, as these factors change, so does truth. It was once believed that the earth was flat, that if you sailed far enough you would fall right off into nothingness. This was the consensus at the time until technology was able to prove otherwise. We now know our earth is round, but will this knowledge change some day? Will we become knowledgeable about new dimensions which will alter how we perceive our planet? Truths are how we perceive knowledge, and how we perceive things changes as new factors come into effect, thus changing our beliefs about what is true.
During our early years of life the human brain can absorb the most knowledge. During these young years, however, we are not yet capable of discovering for ourselves what is true, we must instead trust what is told to us. Many of our early years are spent at school ‘learning,’ but we are really just believing what our teachers tell us. Although most people would prefer to experience learning by doing, life is too short to experience everything. We must accept certain things to be true. As these ‘facts’ however are being put in our heads, we must be sure to evaluate this new knowledge. What expertise does the speaker have on the subject? Does this ‘truth’ sound rational? Humans must use reason, perception and emotion, to critically evaluate what is being told to them.
The idea of believing what you are told is starting to become a concern. Mathematicians are starting to believe the ideas of math are true. Mathematics "is the first and only true construct of the mind."(Hilderbrant) Burton Richter, Nobel Prize winner says "Mathematics is a language that is used to describe nature. But theorists are beginning to think it is nature." (Cole 85) Can math, a construct of our mind, ever really be ‘true?’ It is a language made-up to explain something, not to BE something. When you work with a fabrication of the mind all day, it is hard not to begin to believe it. In this way the idea of believing what you are told many times can lead to false ideas of reality.
Technology helps us to discover new truths. It enables us to experience more truths, rather than just believe what people tell us. At the same time, technology is making it very difficult to believe anything. We often say "seeing is believing," however this is quickly becoming a danger. Our eyes can no longer be depended upon. With models being airbrushed and people being superimposed, our ability to know what is true has been reduced. It begins to be a scary thought when everything needs to be questioned. The technological evolution of the Internet made it possible for anyone to distribute information without any type of authenticity. It is becoming too easy for people who are not authorities to give information many times, which is not in fact true but which is easy to believe.... (Cont. in Comments)


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Lets Rewind

It started as a simple thought, which then grew into a complex concept that seemed to overwhelm my mind. We all remember as children the idea of a watch that can stop, play, pause, rewind or fast forward time and how cool it would be. I believe it was R.L. Stine that influenced my thoughts on this device (or some other YTV show). As a child, it seemed so incredible that if anyone ever made it, you would want it in an instant. The more and more I began to think about if this device was present developed 2 different sides. The first side, thinking of how incredible life would be if one had this time device. You could relive the best times of your life by the press of a button, pause time for that extra time needed for tests/exams and hell, just to mess around with the world (insert hilarious idea here, may i suggest switching everyone's clothes and then pressing play again). With all these positive outcomes, it was hard for me to think otherwise, but sadly enough I believe that this idea is quite angering and has developed a grudge in my mind. Is it possible, that maybe someone has actually invented this device but has not revealed it to the world? Who would ever know...truly? Even if someone had discovered it by snooping in their friends room for instance, they could just rewind the world and replay everything that has happened. This individual could play the role of 'God' and control the world in whichever way they pleased. Take a second and think about all of the geniuses in the world today. One of them could potentially have this device. All they would need to do is wait for an outstanding breakthrough in science to come along (say the cure for cancer), pause the world, take as much time needed to understand the concept and then just hit the rewind button, followed by play. At this time, they could put out this breakthrough at a time before it was made to be. This is just one of the reasons that the thought of this device troubles me. The person could cheat their way through life essentially, getting jackpot numbers and winning all the time if they really wanted to. Most of these circumstances are related to the 'rewind' portion, but there are clearly endless possibilities with all the buttons. If someone had actually invented this device...would the world ever actually know? This is the concept that I'll leave you with for now.



With the talented minds of several individuals who are able spontaneously breakout into a Concept co-mindedly, I present to you one of the greatest games ever invented during the Spring of 2004- TRAPPED!

The Object:
The object of TRAPPED is to spontaneously trap one person. It is better if there is no prior discussion and the trapping commences unexpectedly. Trapping can consist of blocking an exit, prohibiting movement or simply trapping an individual in a confined space. One can also be ‘trapped’ by using anything (rope, line, twine, cord, string ect.) or whatever necessary, or whatever is right there.

There is one essential command that must be screamed by the participants of the trapping. All people involved must holler “TRAPPED” frequently for the duration of the trapping.

The game does not revolve around points. However, if the trapping participants are able to get a plastic milk crate upon the head of the person trapped, five extra points are awarded for good measure.

Be Careful:
With a change suddener than that of the prevailing winds, one Trapper can become the Trapped. It is everyman/women/baby for theirself!

This is a fantastic game, so Trap some one today.


Friday, April 08, 2005


...........April's Addition of Concepts.........

"A Classic Scene of Last Years Annual General Meeting"

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Glen Greetings

Sparked by the imagination of the ever-clever Trevor, I am adding a new feature to our website. Once a month, from now on, there will be a post labeled ‘Concepts’. This post will not be focused on any certain or specific concept, however it acts as a random thoughts forum. In the comment section of the ‘Concepts’ post, you can leave comments, (much like in the others) however there is no boundary for what one can or cannot write about. For example if you just have a little idea, thought of something funny/interesting/unique, or had an exciting experience, this is a place you can present your ideas, without the process of making a new post. This an excellent new opportunity to share our little ideas and also just to keep updated on each other.

Until Next time, thanks for opening your mind, and good luck on exams.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Polar Reversal

September 9, 2004 National Geographic news stated that the Earth’s magnetic field is fading, a sign that the polar north magnetic force is slowly reversing. It is apparently a very slow process, but one that could very well have a dramatic influence on the basic structure of our planet. Author John Roach stated, “If the trend continues, the field may collapse altogether and then reverse. Compasses would point south instead of north.” Evidently, in the case of such an event, drastic changes to the Earth would certainly arise.
There are certain physical characteristics of our planet, which may seem crazy to those who think that the Earth is still flat. The first is that it is round (globular). The second is that it is not perfectly round, but ovular. With the North and South polar points acting as an axis, the Earth spins counterclockwise and squeezes at the equator.
There are many questions, which should be asked when faced with the issue of a global U-turn. If the polar north and south poles switch, would that cause the Earth to spin in the opposite direction? In this case, there would have to be an instant where the planet would cease to spin at all, but return however to the slow recovery of spinning in the opposite (clockwise) way. Of course, these changes could not happen in a mere instant. It would be a slow, gradual process; one which would likely almost seem natural.
First, slight gravitational differences might become apparent, as people (maybe athletes at first) would become more able to jump greater distances in any direction. Pollution would begin to decrease as gasses would disperse from our atmosphere much more easily and planes and other vehicles would become lighter and require less gas to operate.
But, what would happen if the planet developed a slight, but noticeable wobble in the process? At first, it would seem very awkward and people would likely spend most of the time laying on the ground, unable to support their bodies from the constant swaying side to side, or backwards and forwards (depending on which direction you are standing). Certain characteristics of our own bodies would change, as stabilizer muscles would become clearly more robust and necessary to daily mobility. Unfortunately, scientists and doctors would become unable to do their work, as well as basketball players. It is undecided whether the global wobble would be more drastic near the equator or near the north and south poles at that time.



Why? Is what you might ask would i call a meeting on such short notice?Or even call a meeting at all? I , the little one , have never felt the need to post anything until this past monday.and now being the middle of the week shows you how i never get around to things.but on the other hand i think we should meet one last time before pre-camp. Plus only the die-hards showed up to the weekend of BLACK DEATH in cool cats who dare to come to ottawa for trevs birthday to get retarded off our ass...
From:Friday April 22 2005
Where: Trevs place in ottawa
bring: thoughts, and creative for more

Monday, April 04, 2005

The Concept Sink

I’d just like to start off by saying I think it’s a great thing you people are doing. Of all the areas that are represented in our everyday lives, I feel that you have really got a great core group of thinkers there trying to make life easier for us all. Being an aficionado myself, I have a handful of ideas that may help your cause.
The industrialization of the kitchen and bathroom was wildly popular in the early to mid-nineties, mostly due to the highly entertaining and revolutionary designs of Tim Taylor from Home Improvement. The “man’s bathroom” and “man’s kitchen” respectively changed the way we look at these family common rooms.
Obviously, there are few things sleeker or sexier than stainless steel. I cannot even begin to argue that. I can, however, move to have new materials implemented into these designs that will give an even greater modern twist to a tried and true modern concept. My concept sink looks like this; acetate. You heard me.... acetate. Acetate is the way of the future, my friends. Not only is it easily manufactured from discarded garbage bags, it’s also see-through!
Imagine trying to wash your dishes in a new acetate concept sink, when the unthinkable happens.... “Uh oh! Sink’s clogged!” you bellow. With my new design, clogs would be a problem of the past. The clear acetate plumbing would eliminate the frustration that so often accompanies a well placed hairball in your elbow joint.
If you are indeed interested in my idea, feel free to contact me via e-mail at I am more than willing to disclose further features of my Concept Sink, and I have several more ideas up my sleeve.