Saturday, April 16, 2005

The Politics of Feet

What if you could determine what type of person you are based upon how you get dressed in the morning? I know you’re thinking, come on that’s not a new thought, you're on drugs. Be that as it may, I’m talking not about what type of clothes you wear, or what colour your tee shirt is going to be, but actually how you dress. What order do you dress yourself? Obviously undergarments first then over garments. How about I get to the point... How do you put on your socks? This is assuming you’re leaving your house immediately, and therefore need shoes on. Do you put both socks on first then both shoes? Or do you put one sock on then one shoe? The order that you do this can be quite the insight into your personality. Think of a situation where the decision between the two choices would be important. Say you’re getting dressed in the morning and your house begins to catch on fire. Do you run out in sock feet because you didn’t have time for your shoes? Or do you hop out on one foot, which has a shoe on it, because you didn’t have time for the other foot? Are you willing to take the risk of stepping on a nail or something really hot with your unprotected sock feet on? Or are you willing to potentially tire yourself out because you’re hoping on one leg, down the stairs and out your building, risking falling on your face due to exhaustion? I don’t know the right answer or even if there is a right answer. But I can speculate.
The person who runs out in sock feet is a person of equal opportunity. They take the time to make as many people happy as possible even if that means a lesser degree of happiness for all. The type to run out with one shoe on is a dedicated elitist. They will see any project through to the end, and will make sure you are incredibly happy even if that means sacrificing the happiness of others around. In other words the two-sock person is a socialist, and the fully dressed foot person is a capitalist. The obvious next step is to discuss which foot you dress first. The right foot first would mean that you have capitalist tendencies, while the left first would be more socialist. It becomes tricky when talking about a person who puts on the one shock and one shoe but only dresses the left foot. Would this mean that they are a socialist capitalist? No. It means that they are a very sensitive capitalist, possibly someone new to the economic game. What if you’re the type that puts on both socks buts starts with the right foot instead of the left? Does this mean that you are a capitalist socialist? No. It means that you are, like the majority of the world, right-handed. If you never favour a particular foot to start off your day, and either foot has just as good chance to get dressed first, you are confused in your political thought and need to educate yourself in worldly matters so that you can do your civil duty and vote. If you don’t wear socks, it means that you will have smelly and blistered foot. And are probably a Machiavellianist. This is by no means the only way to determine personality or political position but it is certainly a good indicator.


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