Friday, September 30, 2005


Here's an little activity for you to try:

See if you can spot the Concepts.Inc. member in the crowd.

Aberdeen Street, Sept.24, 2005

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Back in the Swing of Things

Greetings All,
Virtual glen is open for business again. Sorry for the delay but after my four month sabbatical, September was a really busy month for Concepts.Inc. Let me fill you in on the highlights.

1. The Homecoming Conference.
Arguably the biggest business conference that is annually scheduled, it is no doubt the craziest. This year was no exception. Thank you to all members who attended. By all reports no member of Concepts.Inc. was seriously injured or otherwise at the conference. And the office was a nice touch.

Some of the Attendees in the office.

2. The Office.
Concepts.Inc. has an official and permanent office now. It is located at 379 Earl St. in Kingston. The space also doubles as sleeping quarters for visiting board members. There are two microwaves, a television, a printer, ample seating, a couch/desk/freezer, interesting decorations, a growing library, a potted plant, a fan, three lights, a garbage can, glens, a tool box, and a cork board.

3. The Queens AMS Club Ratification.
Concepts.Inc. has applied to be an official club through the Queens AMS. This will entitle Concepts.Inc. at the very least a mailbox and club office time (not our own office but shared time). However, we can get an actual office in a Queen's campus building to be used much like the first office on Earl St. I will no doubt be in further contact with the rest of the company with updates on this matter.

4. The Clubs Night.
Being up for ratification, allowed Concepts.Inc. to participate in clubs night. This is a night were all the Queen's club set up booths to promote their club and sign up new members. Concepts.Inc. was represented by Peter Vooys and Mike Tribou, who managed to get 15 people to "sign up" for Concepts.Inc. This leads me to believe that we have supporters out their for our cause. However, a post review of the sign ups is necessary before becoming fully fledged Baord Members and not just Associates.

Concepts.Inc. at Clubs Night.

5. The Constitution.
Concepts.Inc. now has an official complete, 8 page constitution. Written by Ross McIntyre with slight admendments by Peter Vooys, the constitution is a master work, and a concept all in itself. It is definitly something to be proud of. If you do not have a copy and would like one, please email me.

6. The Tee Shirt.
Concepts.Inc. will be starting their clothing line with the debut t-shirt I LIKE LAKES with a simple canoe design below the words. The shirts will be tan with navy blue writting. If you would like one please email me. Please don't order one if you don't actually like Lakes.

7. The Book.
Dustin Privett has suggested that the collaborative book effort should focus on the season of autumn. Please make this concept a reality and think about autumn and take pictures, write stories, songs, poems, etc. and email your works to me.

8. The Contact List.
My mailing list got erased over my absence in the summer. So I need you to email me so I can get your email address and place you on the list. It is crucial to be on this list as many important memos are sent via email.

9. The Coach's Corner.
This summer Human Rights/Ethics commissioners found the website where Coach's Corner is posted. They determined that the paper "glorifies sexual behaviour and excessive drinking." they also had a couple of problems with the pictures and other random comments about content. So the editor-in-chief has tried to play it a little safer for the first issue, but hopes to slowly push the envelope back to where it was and past it. This being said the first issue of Volume 6 of Coach's Corner should be out on September 28th.

In case you have forgotten, my email is I want to hear from you.

I wish you the best in thinking.
