Thursday, April 21, 2005

Alternative Birthdays

Birthdays? Who's responsible for them? Why do we have them? What if we celebrated birthdays in a different way. We always buy cake and little toys for the boy who is having a birthday. New tea set for Sally! But Little Boy and Sally are not responsible for their own birthday?Impossible. That which is created has a Creator. So Mr. and Mrs. Little Boy should be the object of our attention, and our presents. Wes hould give really awesome gifts to the parents of little girls and boys. Picture it. Sally would be looking at her parents receiving gifts as she held her old ratty doll close (remember, no new birthdaydoll for Sally). Maybe the parent would tease their young daughter,bragging about all their new toys and how their toys are "better". Maybe in time the kids would come to see the folly in their parents' behaviour. What if the maturing process reversed-inverted-turned sideways and the children were the 'parents' and the adults were childish. If birthdays made the roles reversed it would turn the tables on the parent-child relationship. "I want that for my birthday!" "That one? Alright, but you can't open your gift until your birthday, ok?" "Ok mom, I grant you that stipulation!"


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