Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Colours and Emotions: Norms for Normal People

Seems that in the world today, everywhere you look there is bright colours flashing ubiquitously trying to grab your attention. Along with the colours, advertisements and commercials use emotions to grab the viewer’s attention and make the possible customer attach a feeling to their product. These recognitions allowed me to think about some things.
Colours and Emotions present in today’s society really are for the normal population and seen as a norm for everyday life. Try, for example, giving a definition for colour without using other colours, shades or brightness to refer to. I did this myself and found it extremely difficult to try and give this definition. Essentially what you’re trying to do is provide a definition suitable for a colour blind individual. Think about this for a second. The colour blue. Quite a common colour that any ‘normal’ person could recognize. Dictionary.com has the definition of the colour blue; The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers. Now, I don’t know about you, but unless you aren’t colour blind, can see wavelengths in the air, or recognize radiant energy, this would be quite a difficult description for you. This brings me to the conclusion firstly that it’d be very difficult to attract colour blind individuals from a marketing perspective and even in common every day life. Think about something as simple as traffic lights. If a colour blind individual did not know the order of the lights for go, caution, and stop, it could turn into a disastrous situation.
Moving on in a similar train of thought, emotions comes to mind. To some, this may not seem similar, but take a second and reflect. Staying consistent, dictionary.com describes the emotion ‘happy’ as; Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. Once again, this may seem quite simple to an individual such as yourself from the ‘normal’ population. Imagine, however, trying to describe an emotion to an emotionless individual or a robot that is only trained to communicate and not feel or recognize emotions. To feel emotions or even sense them, the body has developed amazing methods. Hormonal regulation, neural regulation and neurotransmitters are only a portion of what scientists have speculated in the generation of emotions. Are humans the only life form on Earth that recognize emotions? This becomes quite hard concept to accept. Take animals such as dogs for instance. Is it possible that dogs understand completely what emotion their ‘owner’ feels and that is why they are known as such good companions? Does this mean that in an emotional recognition perspective they are just as ‘smart’ as humans or even superior?
I could go on and on with this concept, but I just want to present the general idea to the public. Its amazing how many things are taken for granted in this world and most individuals have no idea about so many things in this world. Colours and emotions are quite complex phenomenon and scientists have only scratched the surface. Think hard, and think strong, you crazy brain you.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Loss Of A Holiday

Million of millions of children enjoy holidays on regular basis. They get presents and have a festive time. The children, without even knowing it usually exploit these holidays. Not because they are greedy and rarely give presents to others. Not because they never use the presents for more then one day. Not because they do not understand the usually religious background of the holiday. Not because they usually awake sleeping others in order to open presents (this act is mainly seen during Christmas but has been reported during other holidays as well). Not because they are happy there out of school lowering the education of the population with every holiday taken. The injustice act that they have repeatedly broken is uncontrollable. This act is done by nature itself and there is no treatment available. There is no consideration to the children of the Holiday Creators. For example there will be no Santa Clause to give Santa Clause’s son a present this year. His own dad is Santa Clause and all the card on the present will say is; From Dad. This holiday seems more like a birthday rather then Christmas. The wrapping paper may be green and red and it may be under a tree but without the mystery of Santa Clause, there might as well be no Christmas at all. The children of the Easter Bunny and there are many because of the rabbit’s natural promiscuous tendencies to have many children with various partners, not to mention he is probably the most famous rabbit, thereby increase chances to have more children, do to a great reputation of delicious milk chocolate. These children’s Easter has been ruined since it is their own dad hiding the delicious milk chocolate from them. This can be resembled by your own parents hiding harmful chemicals from you. The novelty of Easter is ruined for these rabbit children which can be correctly call kits which is short for kitten. The kittens of the Easter bunny have nothing to look forward after that first Sunday in April. Another example of a novelty ruined that is similar to the Easter Bunny but not an actual holiday is the Toothfairies. The Toothfairie’s kids might as well just be getting allowance which is probably less then the average allowance that kids are receiving on a regular basis. Groundhog Day may be the worst holiday for groundhog kids of all the holidays. The groundhog is stuck in the nest while his/her dad leaves and if it’s a bad year there coming right back and no early spring for them. The following holidays may also be ruined if you are a son/daughter of the particular holiday event. Presidents Day, Valentines Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, Earth Day, Passover, Children’s Day, Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, Mexican Independence Day, Columbus Day, and Shichi-Go-San Day. If you become a supporter, of helping the children that do not have the chance to participate in the most festive times of the year, then this year on March 8 celebrate Loss of Holiday Day “the greatest holiday that never was”. Celebrate in your on unique way use your imagination. Take the day of work or from school and celebrate however you like! Some studies showed that coloured balloons increase a celebration up to 23%. Balloons are only one idea but go crazy.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Blue Balls - A New Game For You All

This past New Years a friend and myself invented a game with the help of beer companies and their beverages. Its name; Blue Balls. The concept is quite difficult, yet the game is a blast. The rules are simple. Get Points. Aim low. Win. Here is an explanation on how to play. The only two objects you require are a doorframe and an exercise ball (preferably one with good but not too good of a bounce).

-Each player starts on a different side of the doorframe, one player with the exercise ball (a coin toss is a fair method).
-The ball is served by the individual starting with it. The ball must bounce once before reaching the other player.
-A ‘pelvic thrusting’ motion (no hands or feet are allowed) is used to return the ball back through the doorframe to the player to which the ball came from.
-The game goes to 15. Points are awarded for the following:

-A point is awarded to the opposing player if you ‘hump’ the ball into the doorframe
-A point is awarded if you successfully ‘sack’ your opponent so that they cannot return the ball

Short form: Just keep the ball going and don’t hit the doorframe so that the ball remains on your side; and of course, don’t get sacked.
It kept us busy for quite awhile. Hopefully you can enjoy it yourself. A basic diagram is included below.
