Monday, February 28, 2005

Concepts.Inc. Meeting, February 2005

The first official meeting of Concepts.Inc. was a booming success!!
Special Thanks goes out to Trevor and Dan who generously opened up their home, Super Nintendo and shuffle board game to members. Members were kept busy at work in Ottawa coming up with great new ideas, concepts and more hilarious memories.
To recap the meeting….
- Concepts.Inc. has the opportunity to receive FUNDING. If you have an idea for our mission statement, email me at

- We also made it a rule that whenever someone has a speech to make or idea to propose, it is okay/encouraged to heckle that person while they try to speak for the first few minutes.

Please feel free to reply with a comment (see below) about your favorite moment(s), ideas or any other comments from the meeting. I have also posted a few pictures Scott sent me, so if you have any great pictures from the meeting email them and I’ll put them right up.

Thanks again to Trevor for hosting, and all who could attend. Keep checking for upcoming news and events.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

Pure Communication.

This concept came to me while discussing with a friend a relationship issue they were having. It was one of those he said she said stories, there was a glick in the information tranfser that passed from each person, the message got muddled up because what she said wasnt what he heard, and vice versa.
This problem in communication brought up the idea of "pure communication", that is communication that is unmistakably taken the way it is intended and is a complete and accurate assessment of a person's feelings or ideas. Is there such a thing? More often than not the cause of many disputes stems from miscommunication. 21 years of livng will tell you that. In any relationship it seems you can't ever really say what you want to say or how you really feel due to societal pressures or fear that certain feelings aren't reciprocated. Special occasions/toasts/speechs are the closest people ususally come to speaking the words they want to say and how often do those occasions really come up?
I propose that music is the only form of pure communication. Think about it, songs and song lyrics if taken out of a musical compisition are just very strong emotions put down on paper. But they're ideas, emotions and phrasings that you could never get away with saying in real life. They would come off as cheezie or insincere or far too melodramatic. However ironically music contains the only real outlet of pure communication that is societally acceptable. The reason music touches people the way it does is because songs communicate complete honesty and a no holds bar approach to outputting information. Most people water down what they really want to say or are affected by the opinions of others.
Music allows you to say what you want to say, get your message accross without caring about a response.


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Impossibilities of the Universe

So I have a bit of extra time to sit and ponder about the world and one day a couple of years ago I confused myself for eternity. The concept of space seemed to question the possibility of reality. According to scientists, although no actual theories have been supported, outerspace is a continuous giant vaccuum. I started to think quite a bit about this and whether it is actually possible. Can something really continue on forever and ever? This seems quite impossible to myself as I wonder how could something just continue on forever without an end. So lets assume that this isn't possible and that somewhere eventually there is an lets say a wall. It'd be something like when Jim Carey's boat goes threw the wall in the Truman just all of a sudden run into a wall. But if there is a wall, that means there is something on the other side, whether it be another continuation forever (unless there is of course more walls say every 1 million light years) or a continuous wall. With all of this in mind, some may begin to think that maybe the Truman show is actually a reality of their real life...think about that for a second...all of your friends, family and associates are actors. There are cameras everywhere with people watching, like for example your webcam seems like quite the handy thing to have...or is it. Apart from that side thought, it is also assumed that everything in the universe is in constant "Free Fall". Once again, the issue of continous "Space" comes to mind. If everything in the universe is in constant free fall, according to the physics definition... we would have zero acceleration...which means one of two things. 1- We are moving at a constant velocity, dropping (in which direction however?Up?Down?192 degrees?). 2- We are not moving, therefore everything in space is essentially frozen in that position. As I started running in circles, one last concept came to my mind. Total outerspace is considered the "Universe". Now lets take that and run with it for a second. Lets start from the basics. The Earth is made up of molecules, which is part of the Milky way (solar system), which is part of the collection of Galaxies/Solar Systems, which ultimately is part of the "Universe". But who is say that that is the end? Whose to say that the Universe is not part of another phenomenon...let's call it "Larger Space". And even there, there could be the possibility of several "Larger Spaces" which keep sub-dividing into larger and larger spaces. And once again, we come back to the concept of continuouse "space". These are the concepts that play tricks with my mind each day and I ask you one question....Is it really possible?


Friday, February 04, 2005

Leaving Them Behind...

I came up with this Concept last May....I was walking down the street with some friends. I thought of the possibility of turning to them and saying, "Well guys, thanks for everything!" then running as fast as I can down a side street out of sight...and gone forever. And by gone forever, I mean you move away to a different city, town, county ect. Of course you had already planned on moving and had just kept it a secret from your friends. Your friends may just stand there for a few minutes questioning the entire situation, they may attempt to follow you (which is why it is a good plan to have a car waiting for you or some other means of transportation) They may even just accept the situation and carry on with their day, expecting to see you later on that day. But when you are nowhere to be found, they will always be wondering.
Depending on your relationship with the people you decide to try this on the details and options can vary. The opportunity may arise that you do it on some very close friends. If that happens you have several options. My personal favorite is to leave, and then a few years later contact them. This will depend on the people you do it too, some may get more satisfaction out of never hearing from you again.
If you have the opportunity to be-friend someone/a group and they are really not important to you at all I defiantly suggest is to try this out. I suggest you try your hardest to not contact these people for the rest of your life. This may mean switching your email addresses, cell phone number ect. If you try to pull off this one, in the event that you accidentally run into one of these persons in your future, pretend to have no recollection of them and your past together, you may even want to introduce yourself with a different name. This may be hard to pull off, but would be worth it in the end.
This joke can work on a few levels as well. The first level is the idea of just leaving, which is great. However, if you would like to up the ante a little bit, describe the concept to your friends well walking (as I did in May) and after you have fully described it, turn to them and say "Well guys, thanks for everything!" and do it. This would severely puzzle them. They may be thinking, "oh that's funny, he's pretending to do what he told us about. Haha, funny guy." After a few minutes when you do not come back they will wonder if you are just trying to be funny and maybe you even went home. When they realize that you are really gone, they will be amazed by your genius and ability to not only pull a stunt on them and leave, but to be so confident, that you fully explain your plan mere seconds before you execute it.
This could be amazing... I encourage you to try it. It does however take quite a bit of thorough planning.
Posted by Hello


Funny? Or Not Funny? You Decide.

This is a link to the Kids Show. The Kids Show was a show that was educational and fun for children, and was the forerunner to Seasame St. It unfortunatly cancelled after only half a season.
Viewer Discretion is Advised.
Have Fun.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Please Check Out This Website.

Just a quick note: I thought that the board would appreciate this website. The song is Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone.


Coach's Corner Takeover Successful

This is to inform the Board that the bid for Coach's Corner, the monthly newspaper published in Kingston, Ontario, was successful. Concepts.Inc. is now the primary stockholder for the publishment, with 70% of the stock. The secondary stockholder is the Queen's Physical Education student association, PHESA with 30% of the stock. Coach's Corner is dedicated to the Concepts.Inc. mission statement and philosphy. To visit the Coach's Corner website and download an issue, go to . However, you need Microsoft Publisher to view the newspaper at the current time. Concepts.Inc. has hired a computer engineer to look into a better format for the online portion of the newspaper. Currently, Board of Directors member, Peter. oversees all aspects of Coach's Corner's development and publication. That link again is:
