Friday, November 30, 2007

Teach Your Children Well

Oh, the rejuvenating quality of nature! An invigorating dose of the wild does much to ease the weary work-trodden soul. It is a shame that these doses come too few and far in-between for the majority of us. Certainly I do not need to preach to the readership choir, but I will stress some points about camping. Perhaps just to remind ourselves of the privilege and responsibility we have as trippers.
Allowing ourselves to step outside the confines of our “little boxes” as Pete Seeger would describe them, allows us to truly experience the best that this world has to offer. The greatest thing is that the best that this world has to offer is closer than you think. We generally travel arguably minuscule distances to camp relative to the enormity of the Earth. But what can be experienced there is hands on learning, face to face interacting and jaw dropping appreciation of the world in which we wished we live. A personal awakening that can trump a visit to the local parish.
I believe that we have a responsibility to teach children the same. Remove them from the confines of the house, the car, the traditional school and allow them to feel the intensity of life. The last words I will give to Tom Brown Jr. who has made a life out of teaching the outdoors. “If you are going to the beach, the woods, the swamps, or the wilderness, really get into it, roll in it, and get rid of all protection that will separate you from fully appreciating where you are. Become alive, not removed and insulated, and teach your children to do the same.”

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


From the Nibblet’s next door, to the Ancient Greeks,
The lowest lows, on the highest peaks,
Classy lassies, wise guys and freaks,
They all know of the one called Sneaks.

Sneaks sneaks around, he always does.
Sneaks speaks a tongue which no one quit knows
And shrieks are yelped wherever Sneaks goes.

Sneaks reeks? No, his hygiene is fair.
Sneaks cheeks are furry; he’s got face hair.
He’s meek and friendly, there’s no reason to scare.

The shrieks are made cause Sneaks sneaks so sneaksily
(Techniques passed down by the sneaksy Sneaks family)

For just one-week Sneaks sneaks,
Just in seek
Of a tasty taste, or even a peek
Of a cheesy cheese chunk or several circle meats
Which seems to make sneaky Sneaks so weak.

And when Sneaks’ cheeks are about pre-leak
Sneaks nods, squeaks and streaks down the streets.
Sneakily Sneaks sneaks past the people Sneaks meets.
Sneaks sneaks past the geeks and freaks and sheiks.
Past Dominique,
Past Zeke,
Past Monique
And Tariq.
Right out of town, Sneaks sneaked here all week!

Sneaks sneaks out into the forest, sneaks over the creek,
Sneaks stops, takes a breath, Sneaks looks rather bleak.
But with a sneaky Sneaks smile, his face fur he tweaks,
Then for 51 weeks, Sneaks sleeps.
And sleeps.
And sleeps.