Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Swing Question

Always willing and ready to respond to great questions and queries, we at Concepts.Inc. were delighted when a letter came into our office asking, “When you get a push on the swings in which the pusher runs underneath the pushee, is it called Underdog or Underduck?”
A perplexing query indeed.

To solve this problem a children’s residential camp was surveyed and the results are published here. We found more than we were expecting to find. Our experiment was designed to see what word to describe the under-push was more popular for our generation growing up. Our hypothesis was that for most regions in Southern Ontario, Underdog was the preferred term, but for Hastings County and immediate surrounding areas, Underduck was used. Hastings County and immediate area that was lumped together for the purposes of this study, is located right in the middle of the Southern Ontario Hwy. 401 stretch, centring around Belleville and extending into the Muskoka area. We included slight variations on each term and considered them to be the same. For example, Underdog and Underdoggie are the same, as well Underduck and Underduckie were considered as the same.

Map Showing highlighted "Underduck" Region

A total of 58 people were polled, with an average age of the participants being 18.5 years old. There was a complete fifty-fifty split between Underdog and Underduck in respondents. There was almost a fifty-fifty split between males and females as well. Of the Underduck respondents, 82% reported having grew up, or spent their formative playground days in the Hastings County region. 97% of respondents who answered Underdog lived outside of the Hastings region. We can see then, that there is statistically significant evidence that suggests that Hastings County is unique in their choice of word for the underneath push.

During polling, heated debates would break out between respondents over which word was correct. The problem was that neither side was willing to consider the other, as the word they used has been with them since childhood. To break a truth that has been with a person for so long would be devastating. Whatever word you believe in, the bottom line is that it is an effective way to get higher on a swing.
