Wasting Your Time, Cause I Waste Mine
…remember when not now but then when you and me did this and that which left us right out in front of back words numbers…
Opposites. In light of the recent the holiday from school, Thanksgiving (not Trent reading week glorious glorious glorious dancing glorious), I was thinking…What is the opposite of ‘thank you’?
If saying ‘thank you’ is polite, and the opposite of polite is rude, the opposite of thank might be “fuck you”. Wait. No. Not that. If one looks to ‘fuck’ as a verb, as in to fornicate (funny new name for your friend Kate) and fornicating brings pleasure and pleasure is a good thing and being polite is a good thing and being polite is saying thank you, then the opposite of thank you isn’t fuck you. (plus I know I’ve been thankful for kate on several occasions) It can’t be.
Maybe the answer lies within the response. Your welcome. If you should thank someone, like they pass you a soda, and instead, after getting the soda, you say “your welcome”, not thank you, you are then insinuating that they should be thanking you for the honour of serving them. Why should they thanking you? Selfish. Funny though.
Perhaps silence. Reason calls for thanks and you remain silent. The rudeness factor is there. I know I’m pissed if I don’t get a thank with just cause. In Opposite Land a few weekends ago they got together and celebrated Silencegiving. Or Silencetaking. I can give thanks, how do you take silence? Confusing meal. Fun land though.
Thus, whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter.
So, Fuck you and Your Welcome. Silence. (Opposite Land??)
Opposites. In light of the recent the holiday from school, Thanksgiving (not Trent reading week glorious glorious glorious dancing glorious), I was thinking…What is the opposite of ‘thank you’?
If saying ‘thank you’ is polite, and the opposite of polite is rude, the opposite of thank might be “fuck you”. Wait. No. Not that. If one looks to ‘fuck’ as a verb, as in to fornicate (funny new name for your friend Kate) and fornicating brings pleasure and pleasure is a good thing and being polite is a good thing and being polite is saying thank you, then the opposite of thank you isn’t fuck you. (plus I know I’ve been thankful for kate on several occasions) It can’t be.
Maybe the answer lies within the response. Your welcome. If you should thank someone, like they pass you a soda, and instead, after getting the soda, you say “your welcome”, not thank you, you are then insinuating that they should be thanking you for the honour of serving them. Why should they thanking you? Selfish. Funny though.
Perhaps silence. Reason calls for thanks and you remain silent. The rudeness factor is there. I know I’m pissed if I don’t get a thank with just cause. In Opposite Land a few weekends ago they got together and celebrated Silencegiving. Or Silencetaking. I can give thanks, how do you take silence? Confusing meal. Fun land though.
Thus, whatever it is, it doesn’t really matter.
So, Fuck you and Your Welcome. Silence. (Opposite Land??)