Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Would You Rather...

1. Would you rather have a ball of fire shoot out of your stomach at random times, sort of like a fart, OR have teeth that each had their own personality.
2. Would you rather have to take one step backward for every three steps forward, OR for every important situation your pants fall down.
3. Would you rather have everyone always talk to you in a panicy voice OR have everyone always whisper to you.
4. Would you rather stub your toe really hard once a day, everyday OR every time you sneeze you fart simultaneously, aka the sneezefart.
4. Would you rather have taste buds on your fingertips OR every time you put on your clothes they are sopping wet.
5. Would you rather throw like a girl OR smell like a girl.

Turn to the person to your left immediately and discuss. Remember, all else is equal in your life. Post your answers and rationale in the comments section.



At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have some good ones if you need some more


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