Saturday, October 01, 2005

Call for Papers

Dear board members of

As some of you know, I am a student at the University of Toronto. One of the very few perks of atttending this school is that there is a newspaper called The Gargoyle that will publish anything and everything that is submitted to it - no questions asked. Because of their lack of censorship and blatant disregard for 'human feelings' it happens to be one of the best papers on campus. Despite their liberal disposition, one of their main problems is getting students to submit work (writing, comics, etc.).

With in mind,I obviously saw their misfortune as an opportunity for exploitation. I would ask anyone who would like anything printed in this fine newspaper to email it to me and I will forward it to them. You can sign it your real name and everything (ie.

The Gargoyle is a safe haven from the Human Rights-Ethics commissioners/self- righteous bastards that have decided to violate the Canadian Bill of Rights by limiting freedom of speech in Coach's Corner. To see exactly what law was violated:

Anyways, do send me your articles and they can be filled with as much gratuitous drinking and sexual behaviour as you want. It would be awesome to get a couple of articles signed '' in every one of the bi-weekly publications because people would begin to get confused and wonder what it is. This, to me, is funny. I'll be sure to grab a stack of copies of any issue that is published in.
Hope to hear from you,


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